What Her Diary Told

Release Date:   November 06, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Writer(s):   Margaret Kennedy,
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, George Field, Winnifred Greenwood, Vivian Rich,
Story Summary:
Janet Warren, in love with Harold King, marries John Wilbur, a wealthy young man of high social standing. On the night of their marriage, Janet confides the story of her love for Harold to her diary. One evening on going into her boudoir, John finds her diary on the dressing table and reads it. He is stunned and decides to leave her immediately and make it possible for her to marry the man she loves. He arranges with his attorneys for a monthly allowance of two thousand dollars to be given her and all his wealth at his death, and then leaves for unknown parts to become a prospector. All efforts to trace Wilbur proving unavailing, the young wife slowly pines away. On the earnest solicitation of her physician, she goes into the mountains to seek comfort and new environment. An unexpected explosion injures two prospectors, one of which is John Wilbur. As they are carrying the injured men away, Janet passes in her auto. In gazing upon the second victim of the catastrophe, she recognizes her husband. He is then placed in her car and after a hurried trip to the rough shack taken up by the men as their home in the mountains, every aid is rendered. John heroically turns from her, but on the earnest pleadings and sincere protestations of love on the part of Janet, the two are reconciled to a life of happiness. - Moving Picture World, Nov 1913
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