Girl and the Greaser, The

Release Date:   November 03, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Lorimer Johnston
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford,
Confirmed Cast:   Charlotte Burton, Jack Kerrigan, Louise Lester, George Periolat, Vivian Rich, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
Dave Lewis, a poor young homesteader, lives with his invalid sister, Ruth. She is in need of medical treatment, but Dave has no money with which to provide it. He calls upon Betty, his sweetheart. Returning with the money, Dave places it in the clock for safe keeping, and is seen through the door by Manuel, his Mexican servant. Ruth grows worse and Dave sends for Betty to stay with her while he goes for medicine. When Dave has departed for town, Betty discovers he has forgotten his pocketbook, and asks Manuel to overtake Dave and give it to him. Manuel insolently refuses and Betty, infuriated, departs upon the errand herself. When she is gone, Manuel enters the house, imprisons Donna, the old Mexican servant, and steals the money from the clock. He then sets fire to the shack and departs. Betty arrives just in time to save the invalid, then leaving Ruth in charge of the old Mexican woman, sets out bravely in search of Manuel. She is soon upon his trail, but realizes suddenly that she is unarmed, and therefore utterly helpless to cope with him. She has about given up in despair when the Mexican stops at a mountain stream for water. As he stoops over the stream to drink, Betty, seizing the opportunity, slips from her pony, creeps upon Manuel, snatches the gun from his holster and commands him to throw up his hands. The frightened Mexican obeys, and Betty recovers the stolen money. As she is about to lead him away, Manuel wheels suddenly and plunges into the water and escapes. Dave, returning from town, is listening, horrified, to Ruth's story, when Betty arrives with the money, and once more brings light and happiness into the hearts of the ranchman and his little invalid sister. - Moving Picture World, Nov 1913
Unique Occurences
Although the pairing of Kerrigan and Rich seems right for 1913 this one-reeler must have been on the shelf for awhile and only released long after Kerrigan had departed for Universal.
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