In Three Hours

Release Date:   October 30, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Gordon May,
Confirmed Cast:   Chester Withey, George Field, Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen,
Story Summary:
Bessie, Ames, daughter of the ranch owner, is beloved by Spencer, the foreman, and Jim Wallace, one of her father's cowboys. She favors Jim, but her father is set on her marrying the foreman, until Jim brings proof of the other's dishonesty. Spencer is dismissed and Jim gets the position and the girl of his choice. But, in revenge, Spencer lures Jim to a trysting place of the lovers, ties him to a tree and sets a keg of powder at his feet, placing a lighted candle in it timed to go off in three hours. He then returns to the ranch and meets Bessie; he insolently tells her what he has done. She manages to elude him and dashes away alone on horseback. Spencer goes after her, however, and overtaking her before she has gone far, forces her to return. They reach the house just as the time limit expired. He points triumphantly at the clock and goes off, while Bess falls fainting to the floor. On the return of her father he is told the terrible tale. Gathering his men together, they set off headed by Bessie and reach the fatal spot, only to find that by a direct act of providence, Jim has been saved. - Moving Picture World, November 1913
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