In the Days of Trajan

Release Date:   October 27, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Period Drama
Director:   Lorimer Johnston
Writer(s):   Lorimer Johnston,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Vivian Rich, George Periolat, Caroline Cooke, Louise Lester, Charlotte Burton, Jack Richardson, Charles Cummings, William Eason,
Story Summary:
In the year 100 A.D., Trajanus was emperor of Rome. He was one of the great emperors of that period, and one of the great works by which he beautified Rome is known as the Column of Trajan. The emperor had prepared a "Triumph," as the ceremony was known in those days and the victims of his conquest were marched in Rome to the throne. Among them is seen Decebalus, Prince of Dacia, and his mother, Queen of Dacia. The Emperor promises the Prince his freedom if he will swear allegiance to Rome. He hesitates, but the Queen says: "In Dacia we are royal and shall not be vassals to Rome." The Emperor is angered and sends them to the dungeons of the Circus Maxims to await their fate in the arena. The arena is prepared, the Emperor is in the imperial box and all is ready for the conflict of the gladiators. At last Decebalus is told he must go in the arena and fight. He asks: "With whom?" A Dacian is pointed out to him. He says: "Why, he is of Dacia, and therefore my brother." Notwithstanding, he is forced out and we see them in the arena before the imperial box saluting the Emperor. They fight and the Dacian is thrown to the ground in battle. Decebalus does not wound him, and when he appeals to the Emperor and the court for their decision, the Emperor show by the word "Habet" and the downward turning of the thumb that death is his portion. Decebalus raises his sword as if to kill, but with the other hand extended to the Dacian, they leap from the arena into the imperial box and are about to kill Trajan, but Decebalus is made prisoner by the centurions in attendance on the Emperor. He again escapes and is brought before the Emperor just as the word is brought that the Huns have invaded Rome. Decebalus volunteers to fight the invaders and is victorious. When offered a reward he demands his mother's freedom, which is granted. Trajan also gives him Octavia to wed and restores him to his own country. - Moving Picture World, November 1913
Unique Occurences
Lorimer Johnston received fifty dollars for this story, originally entitled "A Story of Rome" and pitched it to the studio saying "this picture will be, by far, the most elaborate the American has done and will use an entirely new set of locations." - file at Chicago Historical Museum
Additional Info
“The costumes are absolutely correct and were used by the recent Redwood “Jinks” given by the Bohemian Club of San Francisco.” - Moving Picture News, September 6, 1913, p.19

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