Calamity Anne's Sacrifice

Release Date:   October 11, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   No Personal Information Available.
Writer(s):   Louise Lester,
Confirmed Cast:   Louise Lester, Jack Richardson, George Periolat, James Harrison, Vivian Rich, Violet Neitz, Edith Borella,
Story Summary:
Calamity Anne, having returned from her disastrous trip to Venice and encountering no further adventures after her rescue of the millionaire baby, in order to recoup her losses goes to prospecting in the mountains near her home. Here she finds lots of work, but no returns from the mine. A moving picture concern comes to the city and establishes a studio, planning on using the wild and beautiful scenery of the neighborhood. One of the actors, together with his invalid sister, buys a home here, assumes the mortgage and believes that the bracing air of the city will prove beneficial to his invalid sister. Jimmy goes to the mountains in a scene is which he plays bandit and the location selected is near Calamity Anne's claim. She witnesses the scene and believing the bandit real and the company a bunch of outlaws, she rushes the gang, severely wounding Jimmy. When the situation is explained to her, she is all contrition and demands that the injured actor be carried to her home. The director of the company, who has a hatred for the wounded man, returns to town and purchases the mortgage on the former's home and forces a sheriff's sale. Calamity Anne visits the studio on the behalf of the man she has injured and gives the director a good trouncing. On her claim she strikes pay dirt and having it assayed, is offered two thousand dollars for it if she will hold it two weeks. But the sheriff's sale will take place the next day, so she refuses the offer, returns to the injured actor, brings him home and arrives just in time for the sale. The offer of her claim in exchange for the mortgage is accepted. - Moving Picture World, October 1913
Unique Occurences
Though sometimes misidentified as directed by Allan Dwan we have yet to determine the actual director.
Additional Info

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