Naughty Henrietta

Release Date:   May 18, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Frank Cooley
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Webster Campbell, King Clark, Kathryn Wilson,
Story Summary:
Living up to her reputation as a flirt, Henrietta gives cause for keen competition among three male admirers as to who shall take her to a dance. Her friend, Alice Wren, who is visiting her, holds opposite views regarding men and when at the dance Henrietta voices her admiration for Dan Mathews, Alice tell her chum that he is a different kind of a man and cannot be caught by the wiles of a coquette. Not being introduced, Dan pays little attention to the charming Henrietta, which causes the flirt to become more determined to interest him. Next morning she forms a plan, sending him each month a calendar tastily arranged on her photograph. Beginning with February, Dan receives the photo-calendar with indifference, but as each following month brings another, his curiosity is aroused. Dan's room has become a veritable picture gallery with the poses of Henrietta greeting the view from every side. In the meantime Alice has become engage to Bob Henshaw and Henrietta is chosen as maid of honor at the wedding. Dan being Bob's best friend, is naturally selected as best man. While the two men are talking in Dan's apartment, Bob notices Henrietta's pictures and teases him for concealing his romance. Dan explains that he has never met the sender of the calendars, whereupon Bob tells him as she is to be the maid of honor at the wedding, he will soon have the chance. Following the ceremony Dan secures a confession from Henrietta that she is the author of the calendar plan and makes her heart glad by a proposal of marriage which, it is needless to say, is quickly accepted. When the engagement is announced, Alice in anxious to learn how it was brought about, but Henrietta keeps her secret to herself and settles down to a life of happiness. - Moving Picture World, May 15, 1915
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