Master of Himself

Release Date:   September 27, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Writer(s):   Louis Levin,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Vivian Rich, Louise Lester, Jack Richardson, Charles Morrison, William Tedmarsh, Edith Borella,
Story Summary:
In the festooned ballroom of Madam Hildreth, the announcement of the engagement of her daughter, Frances, to the distinguished Dr. Blanchard was made to a host of intimate friends. The announcement rather piqued Mr. Davis, who had entertained hopes of winning the hand and fortune of Miss Hildreth. At the Wilton Club the next evening the animosity of Mr. Davis crops out and he strikes Dr. Blanchard a stinging blow in the face. The young doctor promptly withdraws in the company of several of his friends, one of whom, a Mr. Atherton, recites the incident to his sister. True to the trait of her sex, this charming maiden immediately imparts the incident to Miss Hildreth. A short note demanding an explanation of his conduct and failure to resent the insult offered him brings the doctor to the home of his sweetheart. The explanation of his sense of manhood is not accepted and the engagement is called off. The situation grows more tense and the doctor is urged to accept an invitation to a hunting party. Scarcely has he reached his destination when a hurried summons from the city induces him to return to perform an operation for skull fracture. At the hospital all is in readiness for the doctor and he dons his apron, looks over his instruments, etc., before he gazes upon the patient. To his consternation he finds the patient to be Miss HIldreth. She was injured by a falling brick in passing a structure in the course of erection while in company with Mr. Davis. While the operation is under way an explosion in the laboratories sets the structure in flames. The courageous doctor performs the operation and rescues the patient with the aid of the fire department. When Miss Hildreth has recovered and learns the facts she is glad to receive the doctor again, not on a professional, but on a social call. The attentions of Mr. Davis are promptly and effectively squelched and her engagement with the doctor renewed. - Moving Picture World, September 1913
Unique Occurences
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