Mrs. Carter's Campaign

Release Date:   September 25, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   A. Giebler,
Confirmed Cast:   Jean Durell, Edward Coxen, George Field, Charlotte Burton,
Story Summary:
A Woman's Clean City Club of Cartersville sends the mayor a reminder of his promise to clean up the streets. Nell and Bessie Carter are chosen to carry the message. The mayor and the chief of police are deeply engrossed in a discussion of politics when the girls arrive. The mayor refuses to do anything to the streets and denounces the club as a lot of busybodies. The chief of police intercedes in behalf of the club, which gives rise to a quarrel; the chief resigns and vows to get even. The club is so indignant at the treatment given their activities that they resolve to put a candidate in the field against the mayor at the coming election. Mrs. Carter, the mother of Neil and Bessie, is named for the place. She launches her campaign in glorious style and all looks promising when the mayor expresses a change of policy and enters into the campaign with such a zest as to cause his supporters to rally to his aid. The outlook for the election of Mrs. Carter is very bleak and dreary to all, including Mrs. Carter. Not so to the girls. They send their engagement rings to Tom and Dick, the two young men to whom they are engaged, and who are employed at the mayor's office, with a letter saying that they will not wear them again until their mother is elected mayor. The boys get busy, solicit votes, canvas, and spend money, but the opposition is too strong, and they are at their wits end, when the ex-chief of police, anxious to be revenged on the mayor, shows them how they can win. Acting under his instructions, they offer to bet two dollars to one that Mrs. Carter will be elected. They have no trouble placing bets with almost every voter on the other side. Election day comes, and every man that made a bet finds his vote challenged and himself disfranchised for violation of the law against betting on elections. Mrs. Carter wins in a walk. - Moving Picture World, September 1913
Unique Occurences
A mock parade and rally were staged on State Street in which many of the Santa Barbara citizens took part.
Additional Info

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