Jim Takes a Chance

Release Date:   September 20, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   split
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Confirmed Cast:   Robert Grey, Chester Withey, Billie West,
Story Summary:
Dora is to visit her uncle in the West; she is informed that the boys at the ranch are all anxiety over her coming. In the spirit of fun, Dora determines to masquerade as a spinster. Uncle is in on the joke and shares Dora's amusement in seeing the shock of disappointment which the boys receive as Dora steps from the stage coach. Jim, the foreman of the ranch, is too good-natured ti show his disappointment and offers to carry the spinster's grip into the house. By doing so he excites the laughter and ridicule of the boys. Later Jim goes further and teaches the spinster how to ride a horse. Cupid gets busy under the make-up and Dora's girlish heart begins to beat warmly for the handsome cowpuncher. In spite of the laughter and the ridicule of the boys, Jim is head over heels in love with the supposed spinster. He asks her to be his wife - she removes the disguise and reveals herself to Jim in all her youth and beauty. Jim is at first astonished and then delighted. He takes the lovely Dora in his arms as his promised wife. - Moving Picture World, September 1913
Unique Occurences
The role of Dora was likely played by Billie West but it's possible that Charlotte Burton did it. Split reeler with "The Travelers of the Road"
Additional Info

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