Lure of the Mask, The

Release Date:   May 17, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   4
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Mary O'Connor, Harold MacGrath,
Confirmed Cast:   Harold Lockwood, Irving Cummings, Hal Clements, Elsie Wilson, Lucy Peyton,
Story Summary:
Jack Hilliard, wealthy but bored, hears a startlingly beautiful voice floating up from the street one day, but the dense New York fog prevents him from identifying the singer. Entranced, he places an ad in the paper, and in response, he receives a note inviting him to dinner. After a car drops him blindfolded at his destination, Jack meets his singer, a masked woman who calls herself "La Signorina." Later, he learns that the famed opera star has sailed for Italy, and when his servant Giovanni announces that he is traveling to Italy to avenge the betrayal and subsequent death of his daughter Enrichetta, Jack decides to accompany him. After following La Signorina through Venice and Monte Carlo, Jack visits her at her villa, only to learn that she is married to Prince Monte Bionca, the man who ruined Enrichetta. Soon afterwards, Giovanni kills the prince, leaving Sonia, La Signorina, free to marry Jack. -AFI
Unique Occurences
This film originated from the best seller by Harold McGrath of the same title.
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