Red Sweeney's Defeat

Release Date:   September 13, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, George Field, Marion Murray,
Story Summary:
Justice tempered with mercy is a time honored maxim that has been frequently practiced by stern old Judge Halcolm. Annie's past record had caused her to be known as "Slim-fingered Annie." Her present appearance at the bar of justice is no different from similar occasions in the past, but the judge, not wishing to further blight the girl's life by sentencing her to penal servitude, gives her a chance to start life anew in a more favorable environment, where the faces are new and none know her failing and she need not fear the finger of scorn. Annie accepts kindly interest of the judge and the crime-seared conscience is actuated by a new interest in life as she boards the train for the far West. Arriving at her destination she establishes herself as the "Ranch Laundress" and her honest efforts soon win her the lasting friendship of her patrons. When now and then some of the boys become too marked in their attentions, big Red Sweeney promptly clears the coast. That his task is self-appointed in quite apparent, for Annie demonstrates that she is well able to care for herself, and even his presence is not especially desirable, much to the delight of his vanquished foes. The free and open manner of these two principals draws them to each other like a magnetic force and both readily succumb to the attacks of Cupid. In Sweeney's honest efforts to protect the "Ranch Laundress" he has incurred the lasting animosity of a Mexican, who in his desire to seek vengeance, accidently causes his own death. Sweeney is taken in charge by the boys and must pay the penalty imposed by Judge Lynch, when Annie comes to his rescue in a rather spectacular and thrilling manner. Sweeney wants to skip the country, but is this time "help up" by Annie, who now insists that she go with him that both may enjoy a new and better life. - Moving Picture World, September 1913
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