Mysterious Eyes, The

Release Date:   September 06, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Writer(s):   Mary Lonsdale,
Confirmed Cast:   Billie West, George Field, Robert Grey, Chester Withey,
Story Summary:
Richard Frawley, who lives with his daughter on a ranch, sells his property and is paid for it in currency. As they are in a rough country, he places the money in a belt around his person and they decide to start for the East at once. In order to make the train, as they are a long way from the station, they are obliged to spend a night at McGovern's Inn, a rough western place. McGovern hears of the sale of the ranch, also that Frawley has the money with him and that they are proud to spend a night at the inn. He decides to watch them and find where the old man keeps the money. For this purpose he has a picture so arranged that from the next room he can look through the eyes of the picture and watch his victims. Frawley and his daughter arrive and are given this room; the daughter sees the glittering eyes in the picture, but does not betray it, although she is terrified. She makes an excuse to leave the room, writes a short note to her father, which she manages to slip into his hand unobserved, telling him of the eyes and for him to feign illness; that she will take the money on her person and ostensibly ride for a doctor. She does this and McGovern is very glad to have her out of the way. Although he has watched carefully, he has not seen the girl take the money belt. After she has gotten safely away, the father, who has feigned sleep, wakes up and tells McGovern his daughter has taken his money. McGovern immediately starts in pursuit of the girl. The father is thus enabled to make his escape, which he does and joins his daughter at a place they had agreed upon. - Moving Picture World, September 1913
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