Poisoned Chop, The

Release Date:   September 04, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   Alice Methley,
Confirmed Cast:   Helen Armstrong, Charlotte Burton, Edward Coxen, Jean Durell, George Field, David Greenwell, Marion Murray,
Story Summary:
Mr. Green, in order to get rid of a collie dog given to his wife as a present, and upon which she is bestowing too much affection, neglecting her three-year-old son, decides upon giving it a poisoned chop after he has tried various other means of getting rid of it. Stealing a chop from the kitchen, he poisons it and places it in front of the kennel. But before the collie perceives it, it is stolen by a tramp, who, scenting a peculiar odor from the cutlet, exchanges it for a fresh one from the kitchen of Green's house. When Mrs. Green goes out walking she cautions the maid to take good care of the child during her absence. The maid, not wanting to be bothered with the little boy, places him in the dog house, where he begins to eat part of the dog's meal. Inquiring for the child upon his wife's return, Mr. Green is informed that he is in the dog house. Horrified, Green confesses what he has done and Mrs. Green immediately summons the doctor, who cannot find anything wrong with the child. Meanwhile a gardener's boy, who had seen the actions of the tramp, tells all he knows to Green. Fearing that he will be guilty of murder, Green, in the company of a policeman, the little boy and the dog, sets out in search of the tramp, whom he finds at the roadside eating the last morsel of meat from the bone of the chop. Green learns that the poisoned chop had been left at his kitchen. He reaches the dining room of his home just in time to prevent his wife from eating the poisoned cutlet. - Moving Picture World, August 1913
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