While There's Life

Release Date:   September 01, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Edward Coxen
Confirmed Cast:   Billie West, George Field, Robert Grey, Jean Durell, Charlotte Burton,
Story Summary:
Rose had hoped to marry Brill and hers was true love, but the sister became Mrs. J. Brill and Rose made the entry in her diary, then fell into a restless sleep. Six months of marriage found Mrs. Brill seeking some other attractions beside the hearth and she resumed her music, while the husband as a chemist was busy in research. A friend drummer thought he saw a business opportunity for himself in Mrs. Brill's ability and gave her all the assistance and encouragement he could, which caused the wife to forget her husband. This preyed so on his mind that he became forgetful, and, and the wife was leaving one evening against his wishes, he made an error which caused an explosion and resulted in blindness. The wife was so far advanced as to make public appearances professionally, and in her selfishness, she killed her husband's chance of recovery at the critical moment; but this did not matter when a big offer to tour was made her, and she accepted leaving and probably breaking her marriage ties forever. This gave Rose, whose attention and devotion to the husband had been constant, every reason to feel that for herself - while there's life - she had every reason to hope. - Moving Picture World, September 1913
Unique Occurences
Film released in Britain under the title "A Tragedy of Ambition." The IMDB site lists Charlotte Burton as having been part of the cast but it is not listed in her personal journal where she recorded her Flying A roles.
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