Jack Meets His Waterloo

Release Date:   August 30, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Lorimer Johnston
Writer(s):   Jack Kerrigan,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Vivian Rich, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
Jack Kirken, a handsome young chap, visits his father's friend on a cattle ranch. His genial disposition makes him very popular with the girls of the little town and, when after a three months' sojourn he is appointed deputy sheriff, he is in the height of favor. Sallie Newman, the village belle, returns home from school in a distant city and learns all about the sheriff from the girls. Bill Acres, Sallie's old sweetheart, endeavors to renew his attentions and meeting with little success, of course, holds Jack's charms responsible. Jack chided Bill about his jealousy and elicited a wager that he would not dare to kiss Sallie. Jack won his bet, but also secured a slap in the face and a reprimand on the head of it. Sallie regrets her fit of temper and so expresses herself to Bill. This further arouses the animosity of Bill and he plots against Jack. His plan is to place strange cattle in the corral of James Newman, Sallie's father, which would cause a breach between Newman and the sheriff and in this matter put Jack in disfavor with Sallie. The plot seems to work out to Bill's great delight, and he magnanimously offers to stand by Newman in an attack by the sheriff's forces, but the shrewdness of the deputy sheriff discloses the facts and Bill is taken into custody. Jack and Sallie become warmer friends than ever. Sallie offers to take back the slap, which Jack promptly agrees to return, but in a decidedly more pleasing manner. - Moving Picture World, August 1913
Unique Occurences
This project was written by Kerrigan.
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