For the Flag

Release Date:   August 25, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Period Drama
Director:   Lorimer Johnston
Writer(s):   Lorimer Johnston,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Vivian Rich, Jack Richardson, George Periolat, Louise Lester, Athelburt Ball,
Story Summary:
Lieutenant Jack Bronson is partaking of a private dinner he is giving to his classmates when Captain Williams enters and addresses himself to the young lieutenant. It is quite evident from the way the captain is received and dismissed that the best of feeling does not exist between the two men. To the west where both men are officers, Captain Williams finds time to direct his anger at the lieutenant to the detriment of that young man. On one occasion when the wife of Colonel Graham succumbs to the charms of the lieutenant, much against the former's will, the captain, in telling the colonel of his wife's actions, makes it appear that the lieutenant ensnared her. Going to ascertain the truth of the captain's assertion, the colonel catches his wife in a very compromising attitude with the lieutenant, but for which the wife was responsible. The consequent effect of this incident is court-martial for the lieutenant and he is dishonorably discharged. Sometime later Jack, who had gone to America and enlisted as a private in the Philippines, comes face to face with Captain Williams, who had been ordered there with his company. The captain recognizes Jack, but he denies his identity. A ball is given at the governor's home, where Jack has been assigned as an orderly to Captain Williams. The captain assaults the Spanish girl. Jack knocks him down and escapes. He and another soldier put out to sea. Several days later they are washed ashore in an emaciated condition. Jack proves his mettle when, in a skirmish with bolo men, he brings the captain and his company to victory. - Moving Picture World, August 1913
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