Mystery of Tusa, The

Release Date:   August 14, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Albert Hale
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Pauline Bush, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
A thrilling adventure in which the secret service department has a rather exciting time before they land their men. The post office at Tusa is burglarized as the culminating act of a reign of outlawry. The best operative is rushed to the job, but the initial step of this esteemed individual is a dismal failure and almost results in a tragedy. The confidence of the bandits is betrayed by their chief, who later falls into the clutches of the law, where he receives his just desserts. In the excitement Dan Cupid has been quietly weaving a net, into the meshes of which the secret service man the daughter of the local sheriff are caught. - Moving Picture World, August 1913
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
“During the rehearsing of a scene in "The Mystery of Tusa," a forthcoming American release, Mr. Kerrigan had a narrow escape from death. The producer had in mind a spectacular scene in which Mr. Kerrigan, U. S. Secret Service operative, is captured by bandits, bound hand and foot, and tied to a wild horse. The horse selected for the scene was the most restive in the stables of the American Company. He became startled and started to run, with the result that Mr. Kerrigan was jerked down an embankment, where the rope entangled around a tree and broke. But for this Mr. Kerrigan might have sustained fatal injuries. Jack says "Never again!"” - Moving Picture News, July 5, 1913, p.24

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