Adventures of Jacques, The

Release Date:   August 11, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Period Drama
Director:   Lorimer Johnston
Writer(s):   Lorimer Johnston,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Vivian Rich, Louise Lester, Robert Grey, George Field, Charlotte Burton, Jack Richardson, Violet Neitz, Edith Borella, Caroline Cooke,
Story Summary:
Jacques le Grand is a young noble of Gascony. His family is very poor and he is sent forth by his father to seek his fortunes. He meets with an adventure in an inn where he compels two nobles, who attack him, to apologize to his horse. He rescues Constance, a lady in waiting to the Queen, who has been confined in a tower by order of the Queen. There is a thrilling escape from the window of the tower by a rope and they are pursued by the nobles of the court. They are attacked and overpowered by robbers. After being taken prisoners, they make their escape. Jacques places Constance in the keeping of the mother superior of a convent and starts for the palace. He overhears a plot to kill the King, and although he has no reason to love him, his oath to his father to "be ready always to lay down your life for your King," compels him to aid the King. He changes costumes with the King, and in a desperate fight saves him. - Moving Picture World, August, 1913
Unique Occurences
Location scouting was done by company president Hutchinson and director Johnston. Hutchinson obtained a $3000 insurance policy on the costumes. The costumes were valued at $8000.
Additional Info

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