Mission Bells

Release Date:   July 31, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Romance
Writer(s):   Erma Kluge, No Personal Information Available.
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Vivian Rich, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
Wealthy Jack Worthington, an atheist, purchases a home in the beautiful mission town. He gets acquainted with Barbara Gordon, a devout church girl, and it is not long until the interest aroused by the first meeting develops into love. All seems to be going smoothly and Jack proposes. A vital question with Barbara is the religious attitude of her husband-to-be and she puts the question boldly. The couple is seated in a hammock and her question is acted out in a beautiful vision. The answer is seen in the frivolous look that spreads over the countenance of the atheist. Of course there is no engagement. Jack, on a hunting expedition, meets with a mishap, is found by a monk who has him taken to a nearby monastery when he is given every attention. While here the atheist is converted and later renews his attentions to Barbara, who finally accepts his attentions upon the monk's assurance of her lover's sincerity. - Moving Picture World, July 1913
Unique Occurences
"Two packed houses last night applauded “Mission Bells,” the photoplay written by Mrs. Otto Kluge of this city. Mrs. Kluge showed remarkable ability in the composition of this scenario and all who saw it declared it to be one of the strongest dramas ever produced by the Flying A company." - Santa Barbara Morning Press, September 13, 1913
Additional Info

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