Broken Window, The

Release Date:   May 12, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   F. Ingram,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, John Steppling, Edward Coxen,
Story Summary:
Boys playing baseball in a nearby playground bat the baseball over the fence, breaking the window of the professor's house. When the repairman arrives with his tools, he is admitted by the professor's pretty servant, who shows him the damage done. After the maid has gone the young man's thoughts revert to her pretty face, and he wonders how he can get better acquainted. That night he steals up to the house and breaks the window which he put in during the afternoon and the next morning anxiously awaits the telephone call which he is sure will come. When the message comes the maid becomes angry at his conversation until the scheming suitor pretends to have cut his finger. As the maid is dressing the injured digit she is attracted by his good looks and manly bearing, and in the seclusion of her bedroom that evening visions of the repairman's face and form present themselves. Cautiously she goes to the fated window and again smashes the glass and noiselessly returns to her room. Next morning the repairman is agreeably but honestly surprised. He is again called to fix the window which the professor tells him has been broken by burglars, but when the happy man confesses to breaking it on the previous night also, the lovers are quick to understand the reason for their acts. The professor, overhearing the conversation, recalls his order for a detective, changing it to a request for a minister. - Moving Picture World, May 8, 1915
Unique Occurences
The Museum of Modern Art holds a print of this film and all of the important action is still intact in the 901 feet however the closing scene has nitrate damage and no credits exist. - D.D.
Additional Info

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