Tom Blake's Redemption

Release Date:   July 24, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Albert Hale
Writer(s):   Maud Moore-Clement, Courney Cooper,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Louise Lester, Vivian Rich, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
In the little railroad town known as Wynola, Cal., was the modest home of Mrs. Blake, a widow, and with her lived her only son, Thomas, so named after his father. Young Thomas had become an an engineer and the pride of his heart was old No. 19. One afternoon he receives a hurry call to make a special run. He takes a hurried leave from his mother and his boyhood sweetheart. When near the round-house, he finds he has time for just a little drink, so turns into the saloon. Temptation gets the best of Tom and he has more liquor than is good for him, but not only that - he is late as well. The yard superintendent is patiently waiting. Time flies and still Tom is not there. When he finally appears he is reprimanded for his tardiness, and when his inebriated condition is apparent, he is ordered not to make the run. Tom grows abusive and is taken home. His discharge from service is only a matter of course. Tom leaves home and appetite for liquor grows apace with the discouragements he encounters in a cruel world. His downward course goes unchecked from bad to worse, when an old woman, bittering and in rags, brings to him visions of his own aged mother, patiently waiting for the return of her wayward son. His latent manhood receives a jolt and he resolves to return to home and friends. Without money he is obliged to "beat"his way and we see him sneak between the baggage car and No. 19. On the same train is seen another character, whose object is apparent when, shortly after the train starts, he is seen to creep up and level a gun at the engineer and fireman. The train has aboard a large shipment of gold bullion - there is also attached the private car of the president of the road. The train has already slacked its speed, when Tom creeps up over into the engine, a sharp, quick struggle follows, the bandit is subdued and it is Tom's hand that again opens the throttle of the engine. She leaps forward at her old speed and the confederate bandits are left disappointed at the side of the track where it had been planned to hold up the train. The momentary anxiety of the president at the slackening of the train's speed is allayed when the train reaches her destination, the lone bandit is turned over to the minions of the law, and Tom is to be rewarded by a gift of money, which he refuses, stating that he wants only one more chance to run an engine. The mother's unfaltering faith is her boy is rewarded by the press reports of his bravery. Tom is given work again and when six months later he is married to his sweetheart, one of the most cherished gifts is the reinstatement as the pilot of old No. 19, and a check for $1,000 payable to order of Mrs. Thomas Blake. - Moving Picture World, July 1913
Unique Occurences
Albert Hale began the production in early May but Lorimer Johnston completed the picture and became the replacement for Hale.
Additional Info
Portions of the film used the Goleta depot for location.

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