Jealousy's Trail

Release Date:   July 21, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Robert Grey, Billie West, George Field, Chester Withey,
Story Summary:
Jim Moore cashes in on his claim with poor results, and sells out to Larkin, who offers a partnership after securing better results. Moore is jealous and kills his wife. Several tragic happenings follow, but the crime is soon traced to the husband, who is brought to justice. - The Bioscope, August 28, 1913 “The miner, Jim Moore, finding his claim does not yield paying results, goes in search of a new claim. His old claim is taken by a newcomer, Jack Larkin who, by more diligent methods, secures better results. Mrs. Moore does the weekly washing for Larkin and is paid for her labor in ore. Moore returns to his home and is beset with jealousy. The young miner, Larkin, offers to go into partnership with Moore, but is repulsed. The success of Larkin rankles Moore, and he becomes sullen and morose, harboring distrust against his innocent wife. In a jealous rage he attacks her with fatal results. A neighbor, Louis Roland, who, in his kindly manner has been wont to comfort the unfortunate woman in her troubles, comes upon the handiwork of the jealous husband and the shock bereaves him of his reason. Young Larkin next leaves with the news and reports it to the sheriff. The neighbor’s pipe found on the premises threw suspicion on him and a posse find him wandering in the forests, bereft of reason and unable to throw light on the situation. A chance circumstance enables Larkin to solve the apparent mystery and bring the guilty husband to justice.” - Moving Picture News, July 12, 1913, p.26
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