At the Half Breed's Mercy

Release Date:   July 19, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Albert Hale
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Jack Richardson, George Periolat, Louise Lester, Vivian Rich, Thelma Ludlow,
Story Summary:
“Temptation has always been disguised in the most pleasing settings just as the bitterest pills often have the sweetest sugar coating. When Ed leaves home, to deposit his employer’s money in the town bank, he takes affectionate leave from his wife and little dreams of the pitfalls that confront him before the day is over. How he would become dishonest, disloyal, brutal and a coward before he would again see the countenance that radiated inspiration and love into every fibre of his big frame. The tide turns quickly and from the hunted criminal he becomes the worshipped hero. Twice the daughter of the saloon keeper is rescued from the clutches of death. The mad rush of horses on the country road as they are urged on to aid in the administration of justice give rise to a singular condition of anxiety as one half hopes that justice will be done and at the same time fervently wishes that the case go by default. Excitement, sentiment and pathos are blended and one is assured a truly interesting picture.” - Moving Picture News, July 5, 1913, p.32
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
When Ed leaves home to deposit his employer's money in the bank, he little dreams that he would become dishonest, disloyal, and a coward. The tide turns quickly, and from the hunted criminal he becomes the worshipped hero. Twice the daughter of the saloon-keeper is rescued from the clutches of death. - The Bioscope, August 28, 1913

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