Foreign Spy, The

Release Date:   July 10, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Wallace Reid
Writer(s):   Hal Reid,
Confirmed Cast:   George Field, George Periolat, Chester Withey, Josephine Ditt, Vivian Rich, Wallace Reid, Jean Durell,
Story Summary:
The army engineer and his daughter are deeply interested in each other, but, of course, the will of the father predominates. As a result the girl experiences many heart aches, because it does seem as though she is about to lose her sweetheart because he is not an army man. The issue is brought to a climax by the presence of a spy in the father's home. Plans for the border fortifications are stolen and the impending disgrace and ruin drive the officer to the verge of despair, from which he is rescued by the daughter and her sweetheart, who rescue the plans, and apprehend the spy. - Moving Picture World, July 1913
Unique Occurences
Frank Borzage has been listed in the cast for this film in various filmographies. We do not list him here as there is no evidence in the copyright material held at the Library of Congress. In fact it is highly unlikely that Frank was working at Santa Barbara in 1913.
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