Life's Staircase

Release Date:   May 11, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Romance
Director:   Frank Cooley
Confirmed Cast:   Webster Campbell, Neva Gerber, Gladys Kingsbury,
Story Summary:
When Jack Bentley, a man of the world, meets Gladys Turner, they are mutually attracted. Following the announcement of their engagement, they each decided to destroy all tokens of past love affairs and banish the memories of previous attachments. Alone in their respective homes they recall to mind the events leading up to each individual case as they ponder over the memories of past pleasures until not one is left. Finally all memories of the past vanish and, as they are dressed for the wedding, are replaced by thoughts of the present and future. A vision of the happy day of their betrothal appears and as they finish dressing the thoughts of a happy future radiates their beings. It is part of the wedding ceremony, that they descend a long flight of stairs at the foot of which is stationed a minister and the assembled guests. As the bridal party descend the staircase both bride and groom are haunted by the spirits of forms of their past lovers and it is not until the minister pronounces them man and wife that their minds are cleared of the taunting illusions. Then follows a house boat honeymoon, and in the happiness of the present the memories of the past are forever forgotten. - Moving Picture World, May 8, 1915
Unique Occurences
The Museum of Modern Art holds a print of this film. It is incomplete, missing the introduction and the ending after the wedding but the primary story unfolds within the remaining 800 feet. There is a significant amount of complex superimposition work in this film. - D.D.
Additional Info

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