San Francisco - The Dauntless City

Release Date:   July 07, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   American
Genre:   Documentary
Director:   Samuel Hutchinson
Story Summary:
“A remarkable, interesting and comprehensive series of views depicting the marvelous growth of the city of San Francisco since the disastrous earthquake and fire of six years ago. American energy and enterprise has made it possible to rebuild a city more gigantic and beautiful than the old and have made capital out of the scholar, student and public at large.” - Motography, August 23, 1913, p.141
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
A variety of scenes of the city were shot by Roger Armstrong under the direction of company president S.S. Hutchinson. Locations included Chinatown, Golden Gate park and fishing scenes. The two then continued on to Petaluma to take footage of the poultry industry which was included in a second film.

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