
Release Date:   September 21, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Allegorical comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Webster Campbell, William Carroll, John Sheehan,
Story Summary:
In the beginning, Everyheart comes from the Realm of Spirit. On his way to the World, he enters the Garden of God's Gift, where he receives many good gifts at the hands of the Angel attendants. He asks abundantly of the Angels of Kindness and Protection, knowing in the World he will need these gifts. He is admonished that, according to "Life's Eternal Law every unused gift shall be taken away." At the entrance of the World, he is cautioned not to exchange his priceless gifts for worldly goods of temporal glory. He forgets this warning, and trades his gifts for money, passion, and selfishness. As he is about to trade for more money, the detaining hand of Woman touches him and reminds him of the warning at the entrance. Later he falls in love with Woman and promises her kindness and protection while she pledges everlasting love. They are married. As the years pass, Everyheart becomes neglectful of his kindness, until Woman seeks kindness in the friendship of a man. Everyheart accuses Woman of infidelity, but she swears it is only kindness she seeks, not the man's love. Everyheart becomes the prey of anger and departs, leaving Woman alone. She sinks to the floor. Returning a few hours later, he finds her where she sank to the floor earlier in the evening. He seeks a Doctor, who is helpless and who tells Everyheart that only kindness can cure Woman. He searches everywhere but cannot find kindness, until finally, in desperation, he offers a fervent prayer to the Angel of Kindness. She answers his prayer, and he hurriedly returns to Woman, whom he is able to treat with kindness. Slowly she revives; and, as she recognizes Everyheart's kindness, all of her vanished happiness returns. - Moving Picture World, September 18, 1915
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