Barren Gain, The

Release Date:   September 20, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Eason
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Lillian Christy, Charles Bartlett, Walter Spencer, Jack Richardson, Teddy Lynch, Louise Lester,
Story Summary:
Through years of struggle, Philip Cameron has won literary fame. His close application to work during those hard years has erected a barrier between him and his pleasure-loving wife. Their child, Helen, a girl of five, is their only tie. Philip longs for someone, sympathetic and interested, to share his dreams and ambitions. Lois gives all her time to society. Philip receives a letter from his boyhood friend, John Daunt, that he is sending his daughter to him that she may develop her literary talent. Philip finds that she has talent, and also that she shares his dreams and ambitions. It becomes a joy to work with Meta. Dr. Brainbridge, a frequent visitor at the Cameron home, falls in love with Meta, but she feels towards him only a casual friendliness. Barr, a wealthy man of the world, is paying assiduous attention to Lois - and his attentions are not unwelcome. Meta and Philip are facing a serious situation. They find that their mutual attraction has ripened into love, but, for the sake of Helen, they do not give in to their feelings. Meta overhears Barr and Lois planning to elope; and sacrificing her own love, she decided to stop the elopement. She confides in Dr. Brainbridge. He administers a sleeping powder to Helen and pretends she is seriously ill. Lois is summoned from her packing her grip and Philip is called away from a banquet in his honor. Midnight finds Barr waiting in vain at the railway station. The crisis of the child's illness has brought husband and wife together. Finding his ruse successful, Dr. Brainbridge revives Helen, with the announcement that she is out of danger. And Meta! She has given up eternally the man she loves. - Moving Picture World, September 18, 1915
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