Dead Man's Shoes

Release Date:   June 28, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Wallace Reid
Writer(s):   Wallace Reid,
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Frank Borzage, George Field, No Personal Information Available, Jean Durell,
Story Summary:
Tom and Mabel were sweethearts, but Tom did not seem to get on in a business way, so Mabel started him for the West. Tom blew in his little stake before leaving, and arrived out West broke and discouraged. There he fell in with two crooks and with them laid plans to hold up the pay wagon of the construction camp. Meanwhile, a hobo got off a freight and strolled to the camp in search of work. He needed only a chance to reform. He watched the men place a stick of dynamite and leave, and too late, saw Tom, crouched down in the danger zone, gun in hand, waiting for the pay wagon. There was a terrific explosion and Tom died. Hurrying to the scene, the hobo donned Tom's clothes and papers, secured work, took Tom's name and prospered. Worrying over the absence of her intended, Mabel and her father visited the construction camp. They asked for Tom and his namesake, now clean shaven, handsome and prosperous-looking, responded. There were explanations and a visit to the grave. "With him I buried my failures," said the other. In the days that followed, Mabel found she still wanted the name of Tom, and eventually married him. - Moving Picture World, June 1913
Unique Occurences
Film historian Jean Mitry lists Frank Borzage as a member of the cast but we have yet to find supporting evidence. We list him here as a nod to researchers who came before us.
Additional Info

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