Friend In Need, A

Release Date:   September 18, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   James Douglass
Confirmed Cast:   Beatrice Van, John Sheehan, Frank Borzage,
Story Summary:
Frank and Johnny, two clerks at a soda fountain, have but one suit between them. They are in love with the same girl. She strings them alternately on their respective hours off duty. Frank is afraid to propose; Johnny isn't, and she accepts him. He makes a date to meet her at the church, and rushes back to ask Frank to stay on the job for him while he gets married. Not knowing who the girl is, Frank cheerfully agrees. When Johnny returns with the girl, Frank is so surprised he drops a glass of soda and is discharged, losing out on the girl, the job and the clothes. - Moving Picture World, September 18, 1915
Unique Occurences
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