Great Question, The

Release Date:   September 18, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   3
Brand:   Clipper
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Confirmed Cast:   Harold Lockwood, May Allison, Harry Von Meter, Eugenia Forde, William Stowell,
Story Summary:
Prior to his marriage it behooves every man to destroy mementoes of his cast-off loves, else they become ghosts of his future life. Bagley sits before the open fire in his apartments and, in burning the souvenirs of former days, has visions of each of the charmers. A series of dissolves ends with the showing of his flirtation with Lois Valerie in a brilliant cafe, followed by the enactment of the story portraying her inroads on the heart of young Bagley. Realizing her motive, Bagley, Sr., buys her off for $20,000. After his first fit of anger at what he considers an intrusion on the part of his father, the younger man appreciates the wisdom of the act, and goes West to his father ranch to think it over and begin over. His meeting with Flora Donner, the daughter of a rancher, soon ripens into love. The young people are married and live in New York. On tango night at Bagley's club, his wife discovers, to her sorrow, the duplicity and artificiality of both men and women of New York's high society. Through an innocent indiscretion, she is estranged from her husband and is victimized and imprisoned by society vultures who thrive on family discord. Finally succeeding in getting word of her imprisonment to her repentant husband, he rescues her. They go directly to the station, pausing only long enough to dispatch a letter to his father, telling him that they are going back to the ranch; that the city with its lusts and riches spells nothing but misery and ruin for them. Moving Picture World, September 18, 1915
Unique Occurences
This was the initial offering of the Clipper brand.
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