Little Lady Next Door, The

Release Date:   September 17, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Eason
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Walter Spencer, No Personal Information Available,
Story Summary:
Charles Bender is wrapped up heart and soul in his motherless child, Betty. A pretty young woman rents the cottage next door. Betty is attracted to the "little lady" and a warm friendship springs up between them. The "little lady" (an artist) asks permission to paint a portrait of the child. The father readily consents, worshipping the "little lady" from afar; but through diffidence, does not express himself. He knows her only as "the little lady next door". Before the painting is finished the child falls ill. Hastening to his neighbor for assistance, he arrives just in time to witness an affectionate meeting between the "little lady" and a handsome stranger. Heartsick, and without completing his errand, he stumbles away utterly crushed. The village doctor fails to bring the child relief, saying that she must have the care of a specialist. The father rushes to the telegraph office only to learn that the wires are down and that he is shut off from the outside world. He returns home frantic, to find that in his absence the "little lady" has arrived with the handsome stranger. In his grief, the father is about to resent the intrusion when the stranger is introduced to him as Dr. Stirling, the "little lady's brother" - a noted specialist. His arrival is indeed opportune. The child's life is saved. The lonesome father overcomes his hesitancy, gains a loving wife, and the little family lives on happily. - Moving Picture World, September 18, 1915
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