When His Dough Was Cake

Release Date:   September 11, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   James Douglass
Writer(s):   William Pigott,
Confirmed Cast:   Beatrice Van, John Sheehan, John Steppling,
Story Summary:
It was Johnnie's Birthday. The arrival of a package caused considerable commotion and excitement in Johnnie's home. Great consternation and chagrin reigned when it was found that the package, a present from Johnnie's wealthy uncle, contained only - a cake. However, for diplomatic reasons, Johnnie defended the gift when his wife became indignant, and caused a discord where harmony had been. Mrs. Johnnie took the cake to the kitchen and forthwith proceeded to distribute generous pieces to the neighbors. Uncle arrived and informed Johnnie that the cake contained the famous Kimberly diamond. This precipitated a violent search for the diamond, and many ludicrous situations are developed in forcing the recipients to return the confection. After all the pieces of cake have been rounded up and searched, and the ash can rumaged, uncle discovers the much-sought diamond in his pocket. Smiles result, and tranquil peace is once more established in the otherwise happy home. - Moving Picture World, September 4, 1915
Unique Occurences
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