Forecast, The

Release Date:   September 08, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Confirmed Cast:   Lizette Thorne, Edward Coxen, George Field, Winnifred Greenwood,
Story Summary:
Forest Keene, a wealthy bachelor, and his nephew, Rex Booth, live in a big house alone except for the housekeeper, Janet. Rex and Janet are in love with each other, but Keene objects to the match, and threatens to disinherit Rex in the event of a marriage. A gypsy fortune teller forecasts for Janet that she will soon wed Rex in spite of the uncle's opposition. Keene receives an old knife, a relic of the Orient, from a friend. The knife is much admired and commented upon especially by Brown, the old butler. One day when the household is quiet, Keene drops asleep with the knife over his arm, and dreams. In his dream he quarrels with Rex over the proposed marriage. There is a scream and members of the family rush in, finding Keene lying on the floor dead, with Rex bending over him, knife in hand. Rex is arrested and tried on circumstantial evidence. Janet is called to testify, and tells of the scene described. When Brown, the old servant, is called to testify, he tells how his daughter , Violet, fell in love with Keene, and how Keene refused to keep his promise to marry her. Seeking revenge, Brown enters the service of Keene and awaits his opportunity, which comes when the old knife is brought in and Rex quarrels with Keene. Keene is awakened from his "nightmare" and finds Brown standing over him. Out of sheer gladness to learn that is only a dream, he readily gives his consent to the marriage of Janet and Rex. - Moving Picture World, September 4, 1915
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