Calamity Anne Takes a Trip

Release Date:   June 26, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Albert Hale
Confirmed Cast:   Samuel Hutchinson, Sidney Baldridge, Louise Lester, Jack Kerrigan, Jack Richardson, Wallace Reid, Pauline Bush, Charlotte Burton, Violet Neitz, Harry Von Meter,
Story Summary:
"Calamity," having fallen into money, receives a letter purporting to be from two long lost cousins, who were really Los Angeles confidence men. With her burro she goes to Los Angeles. After many adventures, she succeeds in getting her burro into the Pullman, and is met at the great amusement park, Venice, by the confidence men. What followed is a scream for "Calamity" who made all the rides on the chutes, loop the loop, merry-go-round, etc., took her dinner in the ship cafe and almost got drunk. Among other things, "Calamity" took in picture shows and grew so enraged at the villain that she hauled forth her gun and shot several bullets through the screen. It was a fearful day for the bunco men and when they tried to escape, Calamity let them see her gun and the jig was up. Finally, after a riotous day, "Calamity" boarded the train for the return journey, leaving two very much disheartened bunco men behind her. - Moving Picture World, June 1913
Unique Occurences
Notice the numerous Flying A players serving as audience extras in the photo above. The location scenes of the amusement park were shot in Venice, California.
Additional Info

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