In Trust

Release Date:   September 06, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Eason
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Charles Bartlett, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, Perry Banks, Bessie Banks,
Story Summary:
Jane rides off to meet her father. Returning, the two encounter a band of horse thieves led by Joe Bland. A short-lived battle follows. John Mills is wounded and the rustlers kidnap the girl. That night, at the horse thieves' den, a stranger arrives, who is Harry Dawson, an outlaw, wanted by the sheriffs of almost every county. The kidnapped girl is regarded as the prey of the men, but who shall save her? It is decided to draw cards. Dawson, the outlaw, gets a queen and wins. He seizes the girl to take her with him. A fight ensues. Dawson, battling single handed against the horse thieves, wins, and he and the girl are away. With Jane helpless before him on his horse, a change comes over the man. Brutal instinct becomes submerged and traces of manhood assert themselves. When night-time comes on, he gives the girl assurance that she is safe with him and as double proofs against possible wrong, he hands her his loaded pistol. Meanwhile, a sheriff and a posse are seeking the horse thieves, but without success. However, the searches encounter Dawson and the girl, but they escape. Dawson and the girl become lost in the mountains. Two days they wander with neither water nor food. When at length they strike the beaten path that leads to the settlement where Jane's father lives. In compassion for the outlaw, Jane rides to the village to obtain and bring back food and water. Returning, she finds the sheriff has come upon Dawson, who was unable to escape owing to extreme weakness. A quick motion and the girl's pistol covers the sheriff. She tells her story, how this man, through an outlaw, had saved her name. Her pistol steadily covers the sheriff until Dawson can ride away. For a moment the situation between the law's minion and the girl is tense. Then the sheriff's manhood triumphs. He shakes the hand of plucky Jane. - Moving Picture World, September 4, 1915
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