Dreams Realized

Release Date:   May 07, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Frank Cooley
Confirmed Cast:   Webster Campbell, Virginia Kirtley, Joseph Harris, Fred Gamble, Frank Knight,
Story Summary:
James Grey, an actor, and his daughter, Helen, are introduced to Count Vernay at the theatre and a supper follows, at which the nobleman shows them a photograph of his "ancestral home" in Italy. Following the supper party, Grey informs his daughter that the Count would be an ideal match. Helen has other views and Frank Adams, a poor, but worthy, young man, in his bachelor rooms, dreams of the time when his fondest hopes will be realized and Helen will share his home. The Count is attracted by Helen's beauty and asks her father for her hand, which is considered an honor by the proud actor. Following the Count's departure he dreams of the days when surrounded by his daughter and her children he has retired to a life of luxury in Italy, but his visions of the future are rudely broken by the entrance of Helen, who informs him that she intends to marry Frank Adams. Her father cannot understand why she should choose a marriage of love instead of a brilliant future, but, as Helen is determined, her obstinate father declares that he will disown her if she will not follow his wishes. However, the lovers are united and their dream of happiness is realized, although Grey refuses to recognize them. Disappointment and drink soon drive Grey into the downward path and the day comes when there is nothing left for him but the poorhouse. As he reluctantly applies for admission he is taken to the office of the manager, where he is surprised to find his son-in-law in charge of the asylum. Thinking that he will be refused admittance, he is about to retrace his steps when his daughter enters and asks him to share their home. The old man, forgiving the past, accepts and is taken home where, surrounded by the love of his daughter, her husband and their children, his dream of long ago is realized. - Moving Picture World, May 1, 1915
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