Husband's Mistake, A

Release Date:   June 23, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Albert Hale
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Vivian Rich, Helen Armstrong, Jack Richardson, Charlotte Burton, George Periolat, Louise Lester, Billie West, Jean Durell, James Harrison, Charles Cummings,
Story Summary:
Jack Worthington and his wife were happy in their own love and and the love for their baby Helen. Evelyn had never told her husband of her brother Dick, whose besetting sin was gambling. Going away on a business trip, Worthington gave his wife a handsome necklace. That day Evelyn's brother Dick, called, beseeching Evelyn's help to get work. Evelyn got him work with an uncle on Dick's promise never again to touch a card. Dick grew in his employer's estimation until he was entrusted with considerable funds, one day, to take to the bank. He yielded to temptation and lost all. That night, Worthington returned and a great ball was given. In desperation Dick wrote a note to Evelyn asking help and she went to the veranda. Dick kissed her just as Worthington stepped out. Evelyn gave her necklace to pawn. After the ball, Worthington so upbraided his wife that she refused to explain, and taking her baby she left. Months passed and the husband grew desperate. One day Dick came and returned the necklace. Worthington, learning the fact, frantically set out and finally found his wandering wife, now eking out a precarious livelihood as a seamstress. The child Helen, proved the magnet that drew the wife once more to her husband. - Moving Picture World, June 1913
Unique Occurences
This is the first pairing of Vivian Rich with Jack Kerrigan.
Additional Info
(Many scenes wer) "taken at various vantage points in and about the Arlington yesterday morning. The ball room scene and reception, taken in the hotel, will prove elaborate. Other scenes were taken on the veranda, in the cabin on the roof and in one of the finest, suites of the hotel." - Santa Barbara Morning Press, April 30, 1913

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