Green Apples

Release Date:   August 31, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Webster Campbell, Neva Gerber, Lucille Ward,
Story Summary:
Herbert Astor, a young physician, seeking quiet moves into a country bungalow, which is adjacent to. the home of Madeline Selfridge, who corrals fifty newsboys and gives them an outing at her place. The boys discover an apple tree and descend upon it and gorge themselves with green apples. That night there is many a stomach ache in the newsboys' tummies and young Astor is called. He has formed an acquaintance with Madeline and from that time on he is the hero of the boys. One day while helping the boys explore a rugged bit of nearby country Astor is hurt and the youths carry him to Madeline's house. convalescent, the young physician discovers his love for Madeline and makes it known to her. What follows insurers ensuing happy summers for the newsies and ensuing happy years for Madeline and Astor..” - Motography, August 31, 1915, p.495
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