Mixed Wires

Release Date:   August 25, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Writer(s):   Miss Glenz,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field,
Story Summary:
John Smith, an insurance adjuster, leaves for a nearby town to adjust a loss. He tells Mrs. Smith that he will be home in a few days. John Smith, a traveling salesman, leaves for a short business trip. He also tells Mrs. Smith to expect him in a few days. John Smith, the salesman, wires his wife that he will be held up until the next day. John Smith, the adjuster, wires his wife that he will be home on the midnight express and to have lunch ready for him. The adjuster's message reaches the salesman's wife. She immediately prepares a lunch for him and waits for his coming. The salesman's message is delivered to the adjuster's wife, and, believing that her husband will not be in town until morning, she locks herself securely in the house and goes to bed. The adjuster arrives home and, to his surprise, his house is darkened. He tries to climb in a window and is arrested as a burglar. Meanwhile the salesman's wife calls the station and is informed that John Smith is under arrest. She flies to the station and finds that John Smith in custody is not her husband. The police sergeant thinks she is "a nut," so she, too, is locked up. Next morning the salesman arrives home. He is astonished at his wife's absence. On the table he sees what looks like a mid-night lunch. Then comes a ring at the phone. His wife at the police station begs him to come and release her. The wife of the adjuster is also summoned by a similar message. The two couples meet at the police station and the tangle in Smiths is straightened out. - Moving Picture World, August 21, 1915
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