When Empty Hearts are Filled

Release Date:   May 05, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Archer McMackin
Writer(s):   William Pigott,
Confirmed Cast:   George Rainey, Vivian Rich, Harry Von Meter, William Eason, Louise Lester,
Story Summary:
Paul Latham and his wife, Nancy, live in a small fishing village and by careful saving, not only own their home, but have purchased a fishing boat. One day their happy existence receives a sever shock. Paul meets with an accident which leaves him a cripple for life and in his helplessness decides to end it all by suicide. He is prevented by Nancy, who has found, strapped to a hatch, a three-year-old evidently washed ashore from some wreck. Unable to trace the boy's identity, his presence brings a new interest into the cripple's life and his wife prays that the child will never be taken from them. Three years pass by, and little Tom has grown to be a sturdy boy of six when Paul's heart is again made empty by reading a newspaper article stating that a Mr. and Mrs. Bayly, whose child was lost in the wreck of the Oceanic on Jan. 20, 1910, were stopping at a nearby hotel. The article stated that the child had been strapped to a hatch by the nurse, but that no trace has ever been found of the boy. Paul consults his diary, where he finds an entry under date of Jan. 20, 1910, reading, "Nancy found a baby boy washed ashore on the beach," and, feeling sure that little Tommy is Mrs. Bayly's child, it is decided to let the parents know that their child is alive. This heart breaking duty performed, Paul's life becomes a misery to him, awaiting the arrival of the people who are to take the child away. When the child is presented to the Bayly's the anxious parents declare that their child was a girl, and Paul's empty heart is again filled with joy, which remains until his death. - Moving Picture World, May 1, 1915
Unique Occurences
This film is credited to Archer McMackin but Frank Cooley is listed in the company records at the Chicago Historical Museum. If McMackin did direct this show it was his first for American.
Additional Info

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