His Mysterious Profession

Release Date:   August 24, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Archer McMackin
Writer(s):   C. Brown,
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Webster Campbell, Lucille Ward,
Story Summary:
Tom Blake is a star pitcher. An old ball player who knows the "ropes" advises Tom to save his money. He is told to cut out the gay hotel life and seek a good boarding house where he can get good food and plenty of sleep. Tom meets Cynthia Hodges and arranges to take a room at the home of her aunts, Priscilla and Angela. During the first meal, Tom learns that the aunts are terrible set against baseball, so he decides to keep his profession secret. While tidying up his room the aunts discover a pair of spiked baseball shoes. They come to the conclusion that their knew roomer is a porch climber, for surely those are porch climber's shoes. The parson calls. He professes ignorance as to the shoes and a stick of hickory found in Tom's room. They ask Tom his profession. He says he is a pipe organ salesman. Then Cynthia's brother, Bob, returns from his vacation. Cynthia, who is in on Tom's deception, takes Bob into her confidence. The aunts decide that Tom must go. Bob promises to fix things up. By a master stroke, Bob induces the aunts to go to the ball game. They are surprised to see the parson in the bleachers; surprised still more when they see their pipe organ salesman performing on the pitcher's mound. First time up Tom wallops a home run. They are proud, rather than ashamed, now of the man who boarded with them. Meanwhile Blake and Cynthia have fallen in love. Blake declares himself and is accepted. - Moving Picture World, August 21, 1915
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