Reward of Courage, The

Release Date:   June 14, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Albert Hale
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, Jessalyn Van Trump,
Story Summary:
“Henry sat about the country club golf grounds and mooned with himself over a bad ankle. When Grace Wallace and her mother arrived, he was chagrined to note that Grace readily went off with Jim Wilde, whom Henry detested. Henry couldn’t dance, but could sit so as to see Jim dance with her. In desperation, he finally asked her to go motoring with him. Grace gladly consented. Jim overheard, and going ahead to the garage, destroyed Henry’s carburetor. Henry caught him just as he was leaving, and a wrangle occurred. Later, Jim asked Grace to go canoeing with him, and Grace, peeved at Henry’s delay, consented. Just as they were stepping in the canoe, a messenger arrived with a telegram. Jim read it, frowned, and tore it in half, tossing the pieces aside. It read, “Come home or send money immediately. Your wife and child very ill. Dr. Debbins.” An hour later, Henry hobbled down to the beach and found a portion of the telegram. He carefully tucked it away, and, after a hunt, found the other piece. Some time after that, moodily strolling along the beach he saw Jim attempt to kiss Grace. Over went the canoe, and in the struggle that followed, Jim repeatedly pushed Grace under the water, that he might be saved. Forgetting his ankle, Henry sprang into the surf, rescued Grace, and brought her safely to shore. He put her into Jim’s car, and at once they motored away, leaving a shivering and disconsolate would-be lover howling after them on the beach and threatening suit for running away with his car. Two days later Henry called. Leaving Grace for a moment, she affectionately put his coat to her lips, when out fell a part of the telegram reading: “your wife and child very ill,” etc. Grace cried for an hour. When Henry returned, he learned the cause, and quickly discovered the other part of the envelope, containing the address of James Wilde.” - Moving Picture News, June 7, 1913, p.23
Unique Occurences
This was the first photoplay produced by director Hale who took over after Allan Dwan was fired.
Additional Info
“A game leg prevented him from swimming, golfing, and dancing. An envious rival plugged his auto and went off with his girl. Then chance threw opportunity in his way. How he hauled her from the raging sea and made her his wife makes a charming social story. Magnificent settings, beautiful photography and superb photography. Jack Kerrigan at his best.” - American Advertisement in Moving Picture News, May 31, 1913, p.4

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