On the Border

Release Date:   May 29, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Wallace Reid
Confirmed Cast:   Wallace Reid, Vivian Rich, Edith Borella, Jean Durell, George Field, Chester Withey,
Story Summary:
The pretty dancer and the casual cowboy visitor at the cabaret fell in love. A Mexican waiter loved Chiquita with the passionate ardour of his race. A Gringo get this dainty bundle of Spanish nerves and beauty? Never! He planned to destroy the cowboy lover by a drop of poison in his cup. - The Bioscope, June 5, 1913 page 706 “Chiquita danced merrily to the sound of her tambourine and the soft twanging of guitars. The dance finished, a rippling clapping of hands greeted the performance. Bill Reeves, a handsome cowboy, fresh from the range, applauded with extraordinary fervor and then called the matron. An introduction followed and between intermissions the young couple chatted gaily. But tragedy hovered over them. Pedro, the dark-skinned Mexican waiter, nursed a hatred of all “gringoes” and a deep love for the gentle Chiquita. As he passed to and fro beside the table, his eyes glittered with hatred and he swore an oath that the handsome ranger should not have his Chiquita. In the days that followed Reeves was a daily visitor at the Mexican café. Love sprang up between them and blossomed rapidly. One night Pedro traced them home and witnessed the good-night kiss. The next day Pedro plotted. A bottle of poison, carefully tucked into his sash was poured into Reeve’s drink. Then, panic-stricken, he sneaked down an alley, chattering with fear. The hand of fate held Reeves’ in its grasp. Only the continued dancing of Chiquita prevented the draining of his glass. And then she came and sat beside him, and he, forgetful of everything, even forgot to drink. The keen-eyed sheriff, strolling leisurely about, spied the slinking Pedro. On his knees fell the craven wretch until the sheriff jerked him to his feet and rushed him to the café. And then Reeves, with cup raised to drink Chiquita’s health, was stunned into speechlessness by having the cup dashed from his hand.” - Moving Picture News, May 17, 1913, p. 23
Unique Occurences
Seldom credited to Reid for direction but he was the director of AFC's second company.
Additional Info

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