Calamity Anne Parcel Post

Release Date:   May 22, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Louise Lester, George Periolat, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
Calamity Anne rose from her bed of straw in the barn and sighed dismally. Then she woke Woodrow, her partner, the burro and both sallied forth in search of adventure. At the same time the “most important man in town” rose and went to his place of business. He hung out his shingles one after the other. Some of them read “Sheriff,” “Justice of the Peace,” “Lawyer” and plain “Merchant” and “Postmaster.” That morning the “important one” received official authority to hire a parcel post carrier. Frightful experiences await Calamity. A Negro baby must be delivered without address. Calamity forced it on the unhappy “important one” who rushed wildly home with it. A rooster formed another barrier to Calamity’s happiness, for how can one load a burro and a rooster too? But better things await Calamity. The town had long been terrorized by the Meanest Man until a $1,000 reward was offered for his capture. Now the meanest man was tired through the influence of Calamity’s guardian angel he sought Calamity’s own barn to rest. Then the rooster got away from Calamity and with her madly after it, sought refuge in Calamity’s hay-mew. Result—Calamity’s gun was out and the meanest man in her care directly. With a rope around his leg, a rope around the chicken’s leg, and a rope by which she led her burro, Calamity made her appearance before the boys and the sheriff. And now that the “important one” handed the $1,000 to Calamity it became his fine esthetic sense to hand the poor motherless Negro baby to her. This he did and fled rapidly from the range of Calamity’s six-shooter. - Moving Picture World, May 1913, p. 740.
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