Great Harmony, The

Release Date:   May 17, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Confirmed Cast:   George Periolat, Jack Kerrigan, Jessalyn Van Trump, Jack Kerrigan, Louise Lester, James Harrison,
Story Summary:
Old von Berlits lived in the little village with his daughter, Gretchen. He played the pipe organ at the church, loved it, and in quiet worked on plans for a new patented pipe organ. Gretchen worked in the grocery store. The church committee, ever seeking a chance, grew tired of von Berlits and discharged him, bringing from the city young Ziegfried, a handsome musician of note. Ziegfried called on the old man and felt mighty guilty of depriving him of support. Incidentally, he fell madly in love with Gretchen, and began to visit the house regularly, bringing his own pupils for instruction. In spite of himself, the old musician began to love the younger man for his kindness. One day Ziegried called when von Berlits was working on his drawings of the new organ. Ziegfried became interested and finally took the drawings to the far away city. Thus he did not appear for recital at the church, and the committee again visited old von Berlits, this time to offer him his old place back again, and to tell him that the young musician had run away with the drawings. Two weeks passed and then three, and still the old man held his faith. Then came to Gretchen a telegram, which read joyously to him. It said: "American Organ Co. offers $10,000 for new patent. Will hold out for $15,000. Home soon. ZIEGFRIED." And home he came with the check and in return asked a gift he was willingly given - the hand of the more than happy Gretchen. - Moving Picture World, May 1913
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