Human Kindness

Release Date:   May 08, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jessalyn Van Trump, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, George Periolat, James Harrison,
Story Summary:
Old Jasper, now in his eightieth year, affectionately kissed his aged wife good bye and started for his day’s work on the big estate. Ralph Martin, a young overseer, looked at his watch and spoke roughly to the old man of his tardiness. Old Jasper, without answering took his spade and rake and started work. A pretty flower caught his eye and he picked it. When Miss Mabel, daughter of the owner of the estate, passed by, he offered it to her, but she only frowned and passed him by in silence. A moment later Martin brashly told him to stop that foolishness. Pretty Betty, from a neighboring estate, passed into the big garden on her way to visit Miss Mabel. She took the pretty flower which the kindly old man offered her and pressed it in her book. Later, with Miss Mabel, she passed him by and smiled kindly. That afternoon, a young man applied for work. Martin gave him a peremptory “No;” then seeing old Jasper feebly digging, called him back and hired him. He discharged Jasper, who, tottering from excitement and worry, found his way home to the arms of his aged spouse. A few days later pretty Betty, again visiting Mabel, asked for him. The overseer was called and replied that he head discharged him. Mabel shrugged her shoulders, but the news worried Betty. On a bench in her own garden she picked up her book and found the pressed flower. Then she went to old Jasper’s home and gave him work. There was much joy in the old gardener’s home that night and in the days that followed old Jasper’s wife and Betty were inseparable companions. - Moving Picture World
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