One Summer's Sequel

Release Date:   May 03, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen, George Field,
Story Summary:
The summer boarders have all left farmer Gill's New England farm, but two of them. Lloyd Norman and his cousin, Edgar, are ever in the thoughts of the farmer's daughter Mary. She dare not think what will happen if a promise given a short time ago is not kept. Daily she awaits the summons which would make her heart glad, but it never comes, until at last she realizes that she must face the world alone, an outcast, for she knows her Puritanical father and mother would consider her indiscretion as "one unforgivable sin." On their return to the city, the cousins, Lloyd and Edgar, take up the routine of their daily existence, soon forgetting the country girl who had entered their lives for a few short weeks. The memories of the days that are past soon fade from the thoughts of Lloyd Norman and he becomes infatuated with Janet Moore, while Edgar looks forward to a life of happiness with Janet's cousin Dorothy. A double wedding is arranged, of which Mary hears and tries to prevent. Edgar, meeting her at the door, persuades her to wait until after the weddings, when he promises to compensate her in her trouble. After Lloyd's marriage to Dorothy, he devotes much of his time to business and his complaining wife, to fill her life, adopts an orphan, of which her husband becomes insanely jealous and obsessed with the idea that the child is an illegitimate offspring of her own. He finally accuses her and Dorothy, to test his love, lyingly admits that his thoughts are true. As Lloyd orders his wife from the house, Edgar enters and when he is told of his cousin's decision he informs him that his wife has lied because the child is the illegitimate child of his own, whom Edgar has been instrumental in providing a future, out of sympathy for the girl Lloyd has wronged. The horror-stricken husband appeals to his wife to forgive him, but the fact that he has driven her out of his house on account of a sin of which he was guilty makes her detest his actions, and she leaves him to expiate his sin alone. - Moving Picture World, May 1, 1915
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