When Jim Returned

Release Date:   April 24, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Wallace Reid
Writer(s):   Wallace Reid,
Confirmed Cast:   Wallace Reid, Vivian Rich, Eugene Pallette, George Field,
Story Summary:
“Jim had been away a long time. Pretty Marjie dressed herself in her very best, when she heard that the boys had gone to the station to bring home the college chap. Jim arrived, climbed into a ranch outfit and felt at home once more. The boys decided to give him a party. This was the inspiration of Chick, who confided it to his sweetheart, Polly. And Polly hurried off to Marjie, who in turn designed a little affair of her own. All would have gone well if Jim, in his exuberant spirits, had not kissed Polly when Chick chanced to be around. Chick objected and started to queer the party. The result was that Chick was lassoed, thrown in a corral with a vicious ram, with dire result to himself and extravagant amusement to the others.” - Moving Picture News, April 19, 1913, p.28
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