In Another's Nest

Release Date:   April 17, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Jessalyn Van Trump, Louise Lester, George Periolat, Jack Richardson, William Tedmarsh, Charlotte Burton,
Story Summary:
Old Ben Radway, millionaire by right of strength, sickened of his vain wife and two selfish children, went for a long stroll in the mountains and there met Ralph Cunningham, a hearty, clear-eyed youth who bade him welcome. Across the range lived pretty Jessie, much beloved by Ralph, but coquettishly refusing his advances. The old man was so much affected by the heartliness, wholesomeness and clean living of the mountain folk that he wrote back home telling his wife that he proposed to disinherit them and spend the remainder of his days in the mountains. Mrs. Radway held a conference. Her son, Charles, and daughter, Louise, sulked at one end of the table while Mrs. Radway laid down the law. There was but one thing to do, she said, and that was for the children to marry Ralph and Jessie. So they went up into the mountains, induced the unsophisticated couple to accompany them home and promptly dressed them in the latest clothes and taught them polished manners of society. Alas, the mountains called strongly and one day Ralph, strolling throughout the gardens in an agonizing coat and collar, saw Charley attempt to kiss Jessie. A second later the mountain couple were on their way back to the hills. And then Jessie found her heart and courage to whisper her secret into the delighted ear of her mountain lover. - Moving Picture World, April 14, 1913
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